How to fix Network Error 10055 (No buffer space available) *************************************************************** (No guarantee but it usually works) In order to fix this error, try increasing the number of TCP Ports in Windows 9x. To do this, you must must edit the Windows registry as follows: (If you are not comfortable with editing the registry, please don't try this.) Click on Start and select Run. Enter Regedit and press the OK button. Once started, locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and expand it to the following branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ \CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSTCP Be sure to highlight the key MSTCP. If you are using Windows 95, create a new DWORD-value named MaxConnections (if it doesn't already exist). Modify the value to something higher than 100 (hexidecimal 64). 100 is the default setting. If you are using Windows 98, create a new String-value named MaxConnections (if it doesn't already exist). Modify the value to something higher than 100 (for example, 256). 100 is the default setting. After restarting Windows, the problem should be solved. The MaxConnections setting only affects TCP/IP Protocol! In Windows NT, this procedure is not necessary: only adequate available RAM memory--including virtual memory (NT 4.0 minimum 1Gb, Windows 2000 minimum 2Gb). The maximum connections are capped at 12,800 in Windows NT, and at 25,600 in Windows 2000. //BettyBoop